Misinformation vs. Disinformation

The Basics

Misinformation is false information that isn’t deliberately deceptive
Disinformation is false information that is intended to mislead people.
The main difference between these two is that disinformation tries to deceive
people but misinformation doesn’t.This kind of information spreads fast through
social media and can strongly influence users. With so much information on social
media it can be hard to know what to believe and what not to.


Examples of Both

Examples of misinformation include spreading rumors that look true but aren’t;
Reposting or posting things without checking that they are true; misconveyed accurate
information as a result of not understanding the whole story; reposting things without
checking for reliable sources.Examples of disinformation include Starting false rumors
intentionally or leaving out relevant details (for example: not telling both sides to the
story and just one). A real life example is when Russian actors spread propaganda against
the Democratic nominee in the 2016 election.

How it's Spread

Misinformation and Disinformation are spread when social media users like,share,
or comment with the post. They are also spread by bots on social media. Bots on social
media are computer algorithms that produce content for viewers. They can make the content
seem popular even when it is false and therefore cause viewers to fall prey to false posts.
Misinformation/Disinformation can also be spread through audio and video as well.Deep Fakes
are a kind of audio/video disinformation. Often in deep fakes, the original person in the video
is replaced with a public figure to make the video look genuine. Deep Fakes are very hard to
differentiate from real content, and are able to rapidly spread wrong information leaving a false
impression on viewers.


Fake news and Why We Fall For it

Fake news spreads false information just like misinformation and disinformation. It is a kind
of news that follows the form of mainstream news but is fabricated and given more emotional appeal
in order to mislead the reader.We often fall for fake news because it affects our emotions and blocks
our thinking. Also, fake news often includes information that favors our beliefs which therefore makes
us fall for them even though they may be biased(confirmation bias).
-By Sruthi Rajan

Stop the Spread by Checking Before you Post!!!
